The LibraryThing Early Reviewer program is an amazing resource for readers and publishers. Each month, LibraryThing distributes well over 1,000 books to readers with the idea that participants will review the books, thereby generating interest and, the authors and publishers hope, sales.
Recently, LibraryThing added a feature to the Early Review program that gives participants access to a personalized page listing the books they received through the program. This page lets participants keep track of which books arrived and which books they have reviewed. I try not to let this page nag at me.
This is my progress list. Those I have read are in red, with links to reviews.
Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch by Sally Bedell Smith
Improbable Patriot: The Secret History of Monsieur de Beaumarchais by Harlow Giles Unger
Catherine the Great by Robert K. Massie
Wicked Autumn by G. M. Malliet
Nat Tate: An American Artist: 1928-1960 by William Boyd (reviewed here)
The Hair of Harold Roux by Thomas Williams (reviewed here)
The Reluctant Detective by Martha Ockley (reviewed here)
One Was a Soldier by Julia Spencer-Fleming (reviewed here)
Shipwrecks, Monsters, and Mysteries of the Great Lakes by Ed Butts (reviewed here)
Just Enough Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse (reviewed on LibraryThing)
American Terroir by Rowan Jacobsen (reviewed here)
Peaceful Places: Los Angeles by Laura Randall (reviewed here)
Burmese Lessons: A True Love Story by Karen Connelly (reviewed here)
Beautiful Maria of My Soul by Oscar Hijuelos
A Week in December by Sebastian Faulks (reviewed here)
The New York Stories by Elizabeth Hardwick
Short Stories, Book I by Anton Chekhov (reviewed here)
A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood (audiobook) (reviewed here)
The Wall in My Head: Words and Images from the Fall of the Iron Curtain, published by Words Without Borders Anthologies (reviewed here)
Homer and Langley by E. L. Doctorow (reviewed here)
American Lion by Jon Meacham (reviewed here)
American Rust by Philipp Meyer (reviewed here)
Au Revoir to All That by Michael Steinberger (reviewed here)
Forbidden Bread by Erica Johnson Debeljak (reviewed here)
The Tricking of Freya by Christina Sunley (reviewed here)
The Stettheimer Dollhouse by Sheila W. Clark (reviewed here)
Maimonides: and the Biblical Prophets by Israel Drazin
Joker One by Donovan Campbell (reviewed here)
The Amish Cook at Home by Lovina Eicher (reviewed here)
Blackbird, Farewell by Robert Greer (reviewed here)
The Fire by Katherine Neville (reviewed here)
Foreigners by Caryl Phillips (reviewed here)
Resistance Fighter by Jørgen Kieler (reviewed here)
Black Jews, Jews, and Other Heroes: How Grassroots Activism Led to the Rescue of the Ethiopian Jews by Howard M. Lenhoff (reviewed here)
Abbeville by Jack Fuller (reviewed here)
The Pirate's Daughter by Margaret Cezair-Thompson (reviewed here)
Gifted by Nikita Lalwani (reviewed here)
Dreamers of the Day by Mary Doria Russell (reviewed here)
Franklin and Lucy by Joseph Persico (reviewed here)
America America by Ethan Canin (reviewed here)
How to Find Morels by Milan Pelouch (reviewed here)
The Size of the World by Joan Silber (reviewed here)
Updated last on March 4, 2012.
If anyone else is keeping track of their Early Reviewer books on their blogs, please leave a link to your progress report in a comment and I will add it here.
If you have reviewed any of the books I have, please leave a link to your review on my review post for that book and I will add it.
You've done very well with Early Reviewers! I've got several I need to get read and reviewed too.
ReplyDeleteWow...you are doing great. I might not fully understand how the program works but I don't think you have anything to be ashamed of. Now I am off to read the reviews I missed.
ReplyDeleteYou've got a TON of ER books! I am at my lowest point of reviewing for them as well. I need to actually write and post reviews of my two most recent books and I still need to even take my March book off the TBR shelf.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing very well.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to write it all up in a post to keep track of but I'm ashamed that I'm so behind. I haven't requested a book in 7 months but I have been so ill since then, I am 7 reviews behind. I have 3 1/2 of them read at least, but my mind is mush lately for writing reviews. They've been so generous in the past but now they are posting reminders ever month about every single one of them and it's getting on my nerves. lol Be careful what you wish for I guess, you just might get it.
I do fairly well on LibraryThing's Early Reviewers program. I put my ARCs at the top of my reading pile and review them just as soon as I finish reading them so my thoughts are still fresh in my mind. Since I also win from GoodReads and get books from Amazon Vine, some of my other books get pushed aside for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteBarbara: You are a better person than I am! I let me ARCs sit around way too long before I get around to reading them.
ReplyDeleteLibraryThing is more than I can handle -- how do you ever keep up with Goodreads and Vine too?!