Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday! MM was created by Marcia, who graciously hosted it for a long, long time, before turning it into a touring event (details here).
Book Dragon's Lair is hosting in October. Please stop by this friendly blog to find reviews and recommendations for your next fantasy novel, cozy mystery, romantic suspense, or who knows . . . .
I got one fabulous new book last week, from Sasquatch Books.
Trophy Cupcakes & Parties! Deliciously Fun Party Ideas and Recipes from Seattle's Prize-Winning Cupcake Bakery by Jennifer Shea, photographs by Rena Jordan.
This lush new books shows what kind of fun you can have when you combine cupcakes with crafts, color schemes, and cocktails. It's an adult guide to theme parties and has Perfect Girlfriend Gift written all over it.
Sasquatch Books is turning out some great books -- interesting, gorgeous, and well-made. They are giving Chronicle Books real competition.
I am putting this up on Sunday so I can post it in Weekend Cooking.