Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mailbox Monday: The Book of Jonah

Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday!  MM was created by Marcia, who graciously hosted it for a long, long time, before turning it into a touring event.  Mailbox Monday has now returned to its permanent home where you can link to your MM post.

I got one book last week that caught my eye because of its intriguing premise.

The Book of Jonah by Joshua Max Feldman.  This is a modern retelling of the Jonah bible story, with a Manhattan lawyer cast in the starring role.  The whole idea really grabs me.  I want to see how Feldman turns such a religious story into contemporary fiction.


  1. That does sound intriguing!

  2. That will be interesting to know how the author makes that change.

    THANKS for sharing, and enjoy your week.

  3. Now I, too, am intrigued. Thanks for sharing...and here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

  4. This is already on my wish list. Happy reading :)

  5. This definitely sounds like it could be really good! I think Bible stories are quite adept to being modernised, as long as the essence is retained! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!
    My Mailbox
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  6. This is definitely intriguing .. retellings can either flop ... or be amazing! Enjoy the ride!


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