(aka Gilion Dumas)
(aka Gilion Dumas)
I can't resist a list!
Prize winners, Must Reads, Big Reads, Top 100s -- if a book is on a list, I'm tempted to put it on my TBR list. If I really like an author, I'll add the bibliography to my list of lists. And once I read a book, I add it to my Books I've Read list. Arguably, I burn up valuable reading time playing with my lists. I know this.
Find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Unless we already have a bookish relationship, please ask first. I am generally interested in literary fiction, memoirs, travel, food, and cookbooks. I am particularly pleased to promote Oregon and other Pacific Northwest authors and publishers. I will politely decline offers of YA, fantasy, romance, paranormal, or anything scary.
Because I spend so much time in front of a screen, I don't read ebooks. No hard feelings if you only have an ebook to offer. I understand you can't be sending paper books out to everyone. But I only accept paper books.
Please don't take it personally if I politely decline your offer of a review copy. Sometimes other obligations take up too much of my time.
You can contact me at gilion at dumasandvaughn dot com.
View my complete lawyer profile.

"Rose City Reader . . . is a machine when it comes to recounting her reactions to reading books." Laura Grimes, The Oregonian.
". . . the indefatigable Rose City Reader . . . " Barry Johnson,
I usually link to because I know I like to have a link to a book when I want more information about it and offers a good description of the book. I also have a shop set up, so if you see something you like and buy it when you are there, I get a small commission. I used to link to amazon before existed and older posts still have amazon links. I know some people don't like amazon. Please don't take offence. Feel free to find books and information wherever you chose.
Sometimes the books on Rose City Reader were given to me by publishers, publicists, or authors (see above). All opinions about the books are my own.