Friday, July 23, 2010

Opening Sentence of the Day: Peaceful Places, Los Angeles

"Tranquility isn't the first word that comes to mind when most of us think of life in Los Angeles, especially these days."

  -- Peaceful Places, Los Angeles by Laura Randall.

 I actually already reviewed this one (here), so my posts are switcherooed.


Book Beginnings on Fridays is a Friday fun "opening sentence" event hosted by Becky at Page Turners. Post the opening sentence of the book(s) you started this week and see what other books people have going.


  1. A very true statement! But as an opener, it plunges me into a world of possibilities that include tranquility, and I'm eager to learn more.

    Here's mine:

  2. Before I even read the line the title made me think are there peaceful places in LA so one immediately wants to find out.

  3. It's a great opening sentence but having read your review I suspect that it is mainly someone from Los Angeles will appreciate

  4. "Especially these days"? Unlike, oh, the rioting and rampant gang violence of the 90s, the racial unrest of the 70s, or maybe the nice peaceful 1930s L.A. of Raymond Chandler? I mean, L.A. isn't especially tranquil right now, but it's hardly a "these days" sort of thing....

  5. Laurel -- I wanted to read this book to find anything tranquil about LA. Thanks for the link.

    Cat -- Exactly! "Peaceful" is never a word I have used to describe LA. "Nerve wracking" is more like it.

    Becky -- I think visitors would find it very useful as well. unless they are looking only for the big LA attractions like Disney Land< Rodeo Drive, etc. But if they are off-the-beaten-track types, they would like it.

    Michael -- Good point! I got the sense the author was talking "tranquility" in the "turn off you cell phone and go for a hike" (or to a spa) sort of "inner tranquility in the digital age," rather than the Big Picture tranquility. Because otherwise, the "these days" qualifier, like you say, doesn't really make sense.


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