Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury -- BOOK BEGINNINGS



Thank you for joining me for Book Beginnings on Fridays! Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. You can also share from a book you want to highlight, even if you are not reading it right now.

One minute it was Ohio winter, with doors closed, windows locked, the panes blind with frost, icicles fringing every roof, children skiing on slopes, housewives lumbering like great black bears in their furs along the icy streets.
-- from The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury, a sci-fi classic published in 1950. 

Do you read sci-fi? I don't, as a general rule. But there are a few sci-fi classics lurking on my TBR shelves. The Martian Chronicles is one of them. Have you read it?

This is the year I finish my Classic Club list. The Classics Club invites readers to create their own list of 50 "classic books" (defined for the project as any book older than 50 years that has some lasting literary merit) and read them all in five years. I'm on track to wrap up my first Classics Club list by December 31, 2023. I am already of thinking of what books to include on my second Classics Club list and The Martian Chronicles would be a good pick. 


Please share the pink to your Book Beginnings post in the box below. If you share on social media, please use the hashtag #bookbeginnings.

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The Friday 56, a natural tie in with Book Beginnings. The idea is to share a two-sentence teaser from page 56 of your book, or 56% of the way through an e-book or audiobook. Freda at Freda's Voice is taking a break from hosting her weekly blog event, but many people are still posting Friday 56 teasers. Please visit her Freda’s Voice blog even if there currently is no place to link your post.


-- from The Martian Chronicles
He wondered where the people had gone, and what they had been, and who their kings were, and how they had died. And he wondered, quietly aloud, how they had built this city to last the ages through, and had they ever come to Earth?


  1. I don't read sci-fic much these days, although in my twenties I did. I haven't read this one, but last year I enjoyed two novellas by Bradbury, so I am interested in reading The Martian Chronicles. It looks good.

    1. I've only read Fahrenheit 451 so want to read more by him.

  2. I don't read sci-fic, it has never appealed to me. I love the idea of picking the fifty classics you will read, but classics haven't always appealed to me either. However, I have read a handful (or more) this year, and I have enjoyed most of them. It's something to think about.

    1. I found this one on my shelves when I was looking for short classics -- under 200 pages. I want to incorporate these short ones into my reading for when I am daunted by big chunkster authors like Dickens, Tolstoy, and Dumas.

    2. Gilion, smart! I read Daddy Long Legs and Dear Enemy by Jean Webster not that long ago, they are both short as well :)

  3. I read The Martian Chronicles when I was in middle school (it was an assigned novel) and I don't remember a lot about it, other than that I enjoyed it far more than I expected to. I don't read much sci-fi, but this was one I liked. Happy Reading!

  4. I don't think I've ever read a sci-fi book. Might be a good challenge for me! Have a great weekend. :)

  5. Same as you, sci-fi really is not my thing but I really liked The Martian Chronicles.


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