Monday, February 10, 2020

Mailbox Monday: American Dirt and The Green Years

I got two new books last week -- a best seller and an indie book. What about you?

American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins. Yes, I bought this because of the controversy.

American Dirt is one of the many, many, many new books that would never have caught my attention except for all the stories I heard on NPR while I was getting ready for work. Now I want to read it for myself.

The Green Years by Karen Wolff (BHC Press), is a coming-of-age story set in South Dakota in the 1920s about a young boy who finds his own path when his father returns from WWI a broken man.

When eight-year-old Harry Spencer’s father returns from WWI with a missing arm, his father’s bitterness shatters their relationship. Though confused and brokenhearted, Harry is determined to make something of himself. Endeavoring with heart and sometimes-humorous results, he sets out on his path in life, working in his granddad’s store, selling medicinal salves, washing windows, and falling in love.

This historical coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of small-town life will tug at your heartstrings as Harry discovers who he is, who his father is, and how to heal the past.

Wolff's novel is not to be confused with The Green Years by A. J. Cronin, a 1944 potboiler about an Irish orphan raised in Scotland who grew up to become a doctor. That one has been on my TBR shelf for a long time!

Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday, a weekly "show & tell" blog event where participants share the books they acquired the week before. Visit the Mailbox Monday website to find links to all the participants' posts and read more about Books that Caught our Eye.

Mailbox Monday is graciously hosted by Leslie of Under My Apple Tree, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit, and Martha of Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf.


  1. american dirt makes me curious. hope you enjoy them both
    sherry @ fundinmental

  2. I'm really on the fence about reading American Dirt. I almost bought it last week then changed my mind at the last minute.

  3. I have been seeing the buzz on American Dirt. I hope you like it.
    I hope you like The Green Years too. Happy Reading!

  4. I still liked American Dirt, despite its issues. I read it before it came out on the shelves.

  5. Hehehe I think the spike in sales for American Dirt just goes to show that there really is no such thing as bad publicity ;) I think it's great that people (yourself included) want to read it for themselves, though, rather than relying on others to decide for them. ❤️

  6. ENJOY your new books.

    Happy Reading!!
