Saturday, October 6, 2012

Four times a year, I take a look at what books I've read to that point and see what kind of progress I've made on my books lists and reading projects.  I do it mostly to force myself to update my lists, not because these are particularly interesting posts. I'm slow on my autumnal posts this time around.

This is the second of three quarterly blog assessment posts.  This second part addresses my favorite authors. Part One covered my lists of Prize Winners and Must Reads.  Part Three will deal with the challenges I joined this year.

My lists of my favorite authors are over in the right-side column. These are now divided into General favorites and Mystery favorites.

NOTE: If you are working on any of these lists, please leave a comment here or on the post for the list (click on the title below or in the right-hand column) and leave a link to any related post. I will add the links on the list post.

So far in 2012, I have read the 19 books by my favorite authors. 



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