Saturday, September 24, 2011

State of the Blog, Part Two: The Authors

Fall is in the air and I am filled with all that back-to-school enthusiasm I always get this time of year, even though my school days are far behind me.

To keep track of my reading for the year, I like to check in and see what kind of progress I've made on my lists.  There's no point in being a compulsive "list" reader if you don't play with the lists on occasion.

This is the second of my quarterly blog assessment posts.  This one takes a look at my author lists over in the right-hand column. The first part addressed my lists. Part Three will deal with the challenges I joined this year.

NOTE: If you are systematically reading the books of any of these authors, please leave a comment here or on the post for the author's list (click on the title below or in the right-hand column) and leave a link to any related post. I will add the links on the author's list post.

I recently split my author list into two parts: General favorites and Mystery favorites.  See here for discussion.

So far in 2011, I've read 29 books by my favorite authors.  As soon as I make some progress on my Guilt List, I plan to get back to my old friends.  And probably add some new names to my lists.


Kingsley Amis

The Crime of the Century

I plan to read The Anti-Death League (a Burgess favorite) for the Birth Year Reading Challenge.

Maeve Binchy

Evening Class (1996)

William Boyd

Brazzaville Beach (reviewed here; read for my 2011 Battle of the Prizes, British Version, challenge)

Nat Tate: An American Artist 1928-1960 (reviewed here)

Elinor Lipman

Then She Found Me

Philip Roth

The Human Stain (reviewed here)

C. P. Snow

George Passant (originally titled Strangers and Brothers) (reviewed here)

Anne Tyler

Breathing Lessons (reviewed here; read for my 2011 Battle of the Prizes, American Version challenge)

John Updike

Beck: A Book (reviewed here)

P. G. Wodehouse

The Indiscretions of Archie


Kate Atkinson

When Will There Be Good News?
Started Early, Took My Dog (reviewed here)

Lee Child

Gone Tomorrow

Dick Francis

10 Lb. Penalty
Banker (reviewed here)
Break In

P. D. James

A Mind to Murder
Unnatural Causes

Donna Leon

Death in a Strange Country

John Lescroart

A Plague of Secrets (reviewed here)

Helen MacInnes

The Hidden Target

Ian Rankin

Strip Jack
Knots and Crosses
Hide and Seek

Dorothy L. Sayers

Clouds of Witness (reviewed here)
Unnatural Death 

Julia Spencer-Fleming

One Was a Soldier (2009) (reviewed here)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you'll like The Elegance of the Hedgehog, one of my favorite books. I enjoy satire and I thought the book was a satire on modern French manners. Let us know what you think!
