Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair by Joel Dicker - BOOK BEGINNING


It is Friday, so time to share the first sentence or so of the book you are reading or want to highlight this week. Please share the link to your post in the linky below. If you share on social media, please use the #bookbeginnings hashtag. 


In early 2008, about a year and a half after my first novel had made me the new darling of American letters, I was seized by a terrible case of writer's block -- a common affliction, I am told, for writers who have enjoyed sudden, meteoric success. 

-- from Chapter One of The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair by Joel Dicker.

Over in Instagram, I found the Cloak & Dagger Christmas challenge, where people read mystery books in December. BookTuber Kate Howe hosts the even on Instagram on her IG account, No Compliments to Your Mother. You can participate simply by reading one mystery in December, or at higher levels.

I'm going for the Amateur Sleuth level to read three books. You can see (although the picture is a bit fuzzy) that the prompts are inspired by the game of Clue, or Cluedo, depending on where you live. 

I already started They Came to Baghdad by Agatha Christie. That counts for the “Conservatory” room of the Clue game, which theme is described as a book related to “nature, travel, or warm climate.”

My second book is The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair by Joel Dicker. This one counts at the "Library" book because it references a book. It is a book within a book -- a thriller about a writer who writes a true crime book. It may also count as my "France" book for my 2020 European Reader Challenge because, although it is set in New Hampshire, it was written by a French author and published in French before being translated into English.


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Freda at Freda's Voice hosts another teaser event on Fridays. Participants share a two-sentence teaser from page 56 of the book they are reading -- or from 56% of the way through the audiobook or ebook. Please visit Freda's Voice for details and to leave a link to your post.


To avoid having to reply, I stirred my spoon around inside my cup until I had created a kind of whirlpool. All I said was, "It's a big mess, Ernie."