Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Always, always, I have known that there are secrets in my family, lies, if you will, loving lies, cover-up lies, but lies all the same.  With my grandma's dementia, however, those lies are being exposed, via the scratches, dents, and blood on a violin my momma gave me, who received it from Grandma.
-- The First Day of the Rest of My Life by Cathy Lamb.
It is no spoiler to say that this is a book about two sisters who are very successful on the surface, but carry the scars of child abuse.  Since I work with clients every day who are survivors of childhood sex abuse -- many who become overachievers -- I am gripped by this story.  
Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.


  1. I'm interested in your comment that many victims of child abuse you come in contact with are over-achievers. I wonder why that is. You would think the abuse would set them up for a very sad adult life, if not more abusive relationships.

  2. I would imagine that child abuse victims are over achievers because they are trying to earn approval.

    Here is mine

  3. You are both right. Most of the CSA survivors I work with struggle with addiction, mental health problems, and under-achievement.

    But there is a significant number of them who work very hard to be perfect to prove that they are OK -- not affected by the abuse -- and/or because they want approval. Those people told me they tried that as children, thinking that if they were only better kids, they wouldn't be abused.

    Pretty much, no matter how manifested, the problems can be very bad.

  4. I like Cathy's books, and despite the subject matter, will read this one.

  5. Sounds like an intense story. I love the cover. Thanks for sharing. If you get a chance, my teaser is here.

  6. Great teaser. May have to check this one out.

  7. That's a very nice teaser, there! I like the cover and the book sounds great too. Hope you'll enjoy! :) My teaser can be found here!

  8. Wow, would luv to read it. Powerful Teaser.
