Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Opening Sentence of the Day: Massacred for Gold

"I listened on a hot July morning in 2003 as a Snake River jetboat captain, idling his boat in front of a cove known as Deep Creek, told two dozen tourists the story, or at least a story, of what happened there in 1887." -- Massacred for Gold: The Chinese in Hells Canyon by R. Gregory Nokes This is going to be a good one! It is a historical expose of the murder of over 30 Chinese workers in eastern Oregon, written by one of Oregon's most talented writers.


  1. Fascinating. Would love to read your review if you post one.

  2. Ah, nice. I'll be waiting for your review.


  3. Review is definitely coming. I plan to read this over the weekend when I am on vacation, so the review will be here soon.

    There have been several reviews in the local press -- all very favorable.

  4. Sound like a great read!!!
