Monday, August 17, 2009

Mailbox Monday

. Three books showed up in my mailbox last week, so this is a legitimate Mailbox Monday post. In addition, I used some of my Reading Local contest winnings at Annie Bloom's Books for three other great finds. IN THE MAIL: Paul Newman: A Life by Shawn Levy (from the Internet Review of Books) Homer & Langley by E.L. Doctorow (from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program) Good for the Jews by Debra Spark (from my friends at the University of Michigan Press) FROM ANNIE BLOOM'S BOOKS: The Naming of Names: The Search for Order in the World of Plants by Anna Pavord Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader by Anne Fadiman (recommended by my buddy Laura at Artscatter) Rereadings: Seventeen Writers Revisit Books They Love, edited by Anne Fadiman .


  1. I hope the Paul Newman book is good. He was a favorite of mine!

  2. I loved Ex Libris and hope you do too. Good for the Jews looks interesting. Enjoy your books this week!

  3. Good for the Jews has caught my attention. Will have to keep my eyes out for that one.

  4. Well, the P.N. book starts off great and looks like it is going to go strong. I like it already.

    Good For the Jews was a mailbox surprise, but it has caught my fancy. I hope to turn to it soon.

    As soon as I finish Ex Libris, which I am particularly excited about.

  5. Oh my gosh, Anne Fadiman's Ex Libris is one of my all time favorite books on books. It's wonderful. Hmmmm... maybe time for a reread.

  6. looks like a good week in books. happy reading.

  7. Those all look good. My mom would love the Paul Newman book!

  8. Yeah for Shawn Levy and his book about Paul Newman.

    I can hear you laughing already about Ex Libris! Best not to share the part about eating sled dogs with your hubby.

  9. You had a good haul! Happy reading!
