Friday, March 24, 2023

He Said He Would be Late by Justine Sullivan -- BOOK BEGINNINGS


Yikes! I'm still off my game after my hip replacement surgery. This was my first week back in the office after surgery and it threw me off of my schedule with everything else. I didn't even think about it being Friday until just a minute ago, let alone remember to put up my Book Beginnings post early last evening. Sorry. I'll try to get my head back into the game as things get back to normal.

Thank you for joining me for this late Book Beginnings on Fridays. Please share the opening sentence (or so) from the book you are reading this week. You can also share from a book you want to highlight, even if you are not reading it right now.


Our kitchen, like everything else in our house, is white.

-- From He Said He Would be Late by Justine Sullivan. I like that opening sentence because you get a pretty good idea of what their life is like from just those few words. What do you think? 

He Said He Would be Late is Justine Sullivan's debut novel about a young wife and new mother who goes into a tailspin when she sees a suspicious text with a kissy-face emoji on her husband's phone. I just got a copy from LibraryThing's Early Reviewers program and it looks like a fun domestic thriller. 


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Freda at Freda's Voice hosts another teaser event on Fridays. Participants share a two-sentence teaser from page 56 of the book they are reading -- or from 56% of the way through the audiobook or ebook. Please visit Freda's Voice for details and to leave a link to your post.


From He Said He Would be Late:
I turn off the engine and feed a handful of dusty quarters into the meter, marveling at how old-fashioned so many aspects of greater Boston are: parking, transportation, the public parks. The fact that there are no happy hours.