Friday, December 2, 2022

Winterland by Rae Meadows -- BOOK BEGINNINGS



How are you this first Friday in December? I'm starting the month as I'm sure it will continue, in a blur of work and holiday activity. So much so that I forgot to post early yesterday!

Please join me now on Book Beginnings on Fridays to post the opening sentence (or so) of the book you are reading this week. Or you can share from a book that caught your fancy and you want to highlight this week.


Katerina smoothed back her hair, tucking in a dark strand that had come loose from her bun. The tips of her fingers were cold and leached of color.

-- From Winterland by Rae Meadows (2022, Henry Holt).

This exciting new novel tells the story of Anya, tapped at eight years old to join the prestigious USSR gymnastics program. The story weaves the threads of Anya's rise through the ranks of the fiercely competitive program with the mystery of her mother's disappearance from Siberia years earlier. 

Just look at this gorgeous cover! Winterland looks like the perfect book for a cold winter weekend.


Please leave a link to your Book Beginnings post in the linky box below. If you share on social media, please use the hashtag #bookbeginnings. 

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The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice is a natural tie in with this event and there is a lot of cross over, so many people combine the two. The idea is to post a teaser from page 56 of the book you are reading and share a link to your post. Find details and the Linky for your Friday 56 post on Freda’s Voice.


From Winterland:
She knew that, knew she couldn't keep her hair long forever, but he had been so quick, so heartless. The scissors splayed open obscenely on the desk, hair caught between the blades.