Thursday, September 8, 2022

Crybaby: Infertility, Illness, and other Things That Were Not the End of the World by Cheryl E. Klein -- BOOK BEGINNINGS


After a busy spring, my law partner and I coasted through summer. Now we are back at the grindstone! We have a sexual assault trial against a public school coming up at the end of the month and an appeal brief due in the Boy Scout bankruptcy on behalf of our sex abuse clients next month. I was hoping to spend more time with this blog in the fall, but looks like work calls instead! 

I still hope to find time to read at least. Even when I don't have time to post about books, I always have my nose stuck in one. 

And I always have time for Book Beginnings on Fridays. Please join me to share the first sentence (or so) of the book that you are reading. Or share from a book that caught your fancy this week. 


I had hoped my three weeks at the MacDowell artist colony would be a happy ending to a harrowing two years.

-- Crybaby: Infertility, Illness, and other Things That Were Not the End of the World by Cheryl E. Klein (2022, Brown Paper Press).

Cheryl E. Klein is a "failed perfectionist and successful hypochondriac" who had a hard time accepting that the world would not end when she was unable to have a baby. Her new memoir follows her through a series of disasters that bring her to consider the adventure of open adoption. 

Crybaby launches September 20 and is available for pre-order. Read more about it on the Brown Paper Press website


Please add the link to your Book Beginnings post in the linky box below. Use the #bookbeginnings hashtag if you share on social media. 

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Another fun Friday event is The Friday 56. Share a two-sentence teaser from page 56 of your book, or 56% of the way through your e-book or audiobook, on this weekly event hosted by Freda at Freda's Voice.


From Crybaby:
I didn't technically believe in fate, but maybe, once events were set in motion, there was a way to sniff out your own most likely future. Maybe life was threaded with motifs, and twins were one of mine.