Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Dive: The Untold Story of the World's Deepest Submarine Rescue by Stephen McGinty - BOOK BEGINNINGS


We are heading into a scorcher of a weekend here in Portland. Like all Oregonians (or all Willamette Valley dwelling Oregonians), I complain about the heat as soon as we have more than two days in a row over 80 degrees. So when the temperature is forecast to go 100+ for days on end, I dread it. 

There's no a/c in my house, so my weekend plan involves lying on the floor, trying not to move, with an iced beverage in hand and a box fan blowing on me. A book about undersea rescue might help cook me down.

What are your weekend plans?

In the meantime, please join me for Book Beginnings on Fridays, where participants share the opening sentence (or so) of the book they want to highlight this week. Add the link to your Book Beginning blog or social media post in the Linky box below.


In the cabin the gentle rock and roll of the ship is as good as a lullaby to Roger Chapman.
-- from the Prologue.
The hook resembles an anchor but with five arms instead of only two, the hands at the ends of the arms resembling shovels in shape. To the hook was connected a thick wire rope, more than five miles long. 
-- from Chapter One.

I included both beginnings because the description in Chapter One really captured my attention more than the first sentence of the prologue -- especially the idea of a wire rope five miles long. 

The Dive is the true story of the race to save two men trapped in a broken submarine on the ocean floor. It's the kind of real-life adventure story that appeals to readers like my husband, who cannot wait to read this book. His favorite books are the ones where explorers have to eat their sled dogs or ships sink -- or both. 

Stephen McGinty is a British journalist and book author. The Dive is his first book published in America. It is the minute-by-minute account of the daring rescue mission to accomplish the deepest rescue in maritime history. It is a nail-biter of a story!


If you share on social media, please use the hashtag #bookbeginnings.

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Another fun Friday event is The Friday 56. Share a two-sentence teaser from page 56 of your book, or 56% of the way through your e-book or audiobook, on this weekly event hosted by Freda at Freda's Voice.


From The Dive:
At 2 pm on 28 June 1774 the Maria was towed out to a spot just off Drake's Island in Plymouth Sound by HMS Orpheus, a navel frigate on whose stern gathered invited guests. Hundreds more members of the public were spread out on the coastline in the hope of witnessing [John] Day sink, then ascend at the appointed hour. 
Describing the early history of submarine experiments, not the 1973 accident and rescue that is the subject of The Dive