Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Garden in Every Season: A Year of Insights and Inspiration from My Garden by Tovah Martin -- BOOK BEGINNINGS

cover of The Garden in Every Season: A Year of Insights and Inspiration from My Garden by Tovah Martin


Where did this week go? I wanted to get a couple of other posts up between last week's Book Beginnings post and this one, but here it is, time to post another Book Beginning and nothing new on the blog since then. Some weeks are like that! Life gets in the way of hobbies. 

So thank you for joining me once again for Book Beginnings on Fridays, where bibliophiles gather to share the first sentence (or so) of the book they want to highlight this week. Please add the link to your Book Beginning blog or social media post in the Linky box below. 


This is the story of a nose and how I followed it through the year. This is the saga of a garden and how it spoke to me. In these pages I chronicle a pair of hands as they grope their way through the weeding, hoeing, and digging without too much pain. And this is the tale of someone who has looked at her garden for years, but only now saw it fully for the first time.

-- From the Introduction, "Coming to My Senses," in The Garden in Every Season: A Year of Insights and Inspiration from My Garden by Tovah Martin, new from Timber Press

I don't usually give such a long opening, but I want you to get a better idea of the book. In it, Martin chronicles four seasons in her garden, carefully describing what each of her five senses experiences each season. 

Tovah Martin has been creating her seven acre garden in northeastern Connecticut since 1996, so there is plenty for her to see, smell, hear, touch, and taste. The 100 essays in her book will make garden-lovers appreciate their own landscapes in new ways.


Please add the link to your Book Beginning post here. If you post or link to social media, please use the #bookbeginnings hashtag.

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Freda at Freda's Voice hosts another teaser event on Fridays. Participants share a two-sentence teaser from page 56 of the book they are reading -- or from 56% of the way through the audiobook or ebook. Please visit Freda's Voice for details and to leave a link to your post.


There is no such thing as instant gratification with asparagus. After digging your trench, nestling the roots in, and shoveling the good earth on top, you have to wait a few years before the feast.

I have no sun in my shady yard for any kind of vegetable garden. But this book makes me appreciate my vegetable-growing friends and their generosity all the more!