Friday, March 12, 2021

Wife | Daughter | Self: A Memoir in Essays by National Book Award Finalist Beth Kephart -- BOOK BEGINNINGS



Well, so much for my good intention of getting Book Beginnings on Fridays posted early this week! There was a big "Town Hall" zoom meeting for Boy Scout sex abuse survivors yesterday afternoon to talk about updates in the Boy Scout bankruptcy. I'm up to my eyeballs with that case because I represent many survivors with claims. So once again work made me forget my blog duties!

My apologies! And for those of you who prefer to post on Thursday or early Friday, thanks for coming back now. 

Thanks for all of you who join in every week to share the first sentence or so of the book you are reading. Book Beginnings on Fridays has been going on for years now and it is a highlight of my reading week. I don't always get around to visit everyone, but I do appreciate everyone who participates! 


My book beginning this week is from a brand new book, out last week, called Wife | Daughter | Self: A Memoir in Essays by Beth Kephart, a National Book Award finalist.

It's not hard to be good at kayaking across a smooth-topped lake on a puff-sky day, but I am actually so good.

-- from "Lily Lake," the first essay in the Wife section. 

Wife | Daughter | Self launched on March 2 from Forest Avenue Press, a Portland indie publisher with a big reputation for putting out first-rate fiction and literary nonfiction like Kephart's new memoir. 


Please link to your blog or social media post, not home page or social media profile. If you post on or link to social media, please use the #BookBeignnings hashtag.

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Freda at Freda's Voice hosts another teaser event on Fridays. Participants share a two-sentence teaser from page 56 of the book they are reading -- or from 56% of the way through the audiobook or ebook. Please visit Freda's Voice for details and to leave a link to your post.


From "A Shelter for the Truth" in the Wife section of Wife | Daughter | Self:
Sometimes Bill and I go from town to town, pretending, as we walk, that we live wherever we have found ourselves, wherever we have gone.

We choose as our own the house with a wide porch and blue-striped pillows on the wicker chairs, say, where marigolds grow in pots and mint in window boxes and a black cat nudges the edge of a stair with its chin.