Saturday, March 20, 2021

It's My 13th Blogiversary!


Wow! It's my 13th Blogiversary! Rose City Reader started on this day in 2008, 13 years ago. That makes this blog officially a teen ager, although it feels more like a grandma in blog years. 

I've met a lot of friends through Rose City Reader over these years, but I've never done a Meet the Blogger post. Now that the blog is entering it's teen years, it's time for one!


  • My name is Gilion with a hard G, like girl, Dumas, like The Three Musketeers.
  • I live in Portland, Oregon because I love rainy days.
  • I live in a 110-year-old house because I am a homebody and like puttering around.
  • Hop on Pop was the first book I read by myself, when I was three, and I’ve had my nose in a book ever since.
  • My parents encouraged me to read by paying me a dime for every book I finished and a quarter for every “classic” and the habit stuck!
  • I'm more verbal than visual, so I was slow to join Instagram, but I finally did in 2017 as @GilionDumas (easy) and post mostly pictures of books, some of tabby cats, cocktails, and miscellany. 
  • I started Rose City Reader when I finished reading the 121 books on the Modern Library's list of Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century and had turned my attention to other "Must Read" lists. I wanted a place to keep track of my lists. Soon I added Prize Winners and Favorite Authors. I can't resist a list! All the lists are in the right side column and the links at the top.
  • My favorite books are literary fiction, classics, vintage mysteries, coffee table books about home decorating, food writing, books about books, many memoirs, some general nonfiction, and occasionally history. 
  • I have too many favorite authors to list! You can find many of them in the lists in the right column or the tabs at the top. I'm working on adding more.
  • According to LibraryThing, there are over 1,700 physical books on my TBR shelves. 😳 I get through 100+ each year, but that will still take me until I’m over 70, without buying another book, and we know that won’t happen!
  • I host two challenges and one weekly event here on Rose City Reader. 2021 is the 10th anniversary of European Reading Challenge, which has been one of my favorite thing about this blog. I've met so many wonderful fellow bloggers though the ERC! The TBR 21 in '21 Challenge (or any version of reading a number of TBR books corresponding to the year) is new in 2021. There's still time to join both! I love the weekly event, Book Beginnings on Fridays, which has been going on a long time!
  • Aside from actually reading books, blogging about books here on Rose City Reader has been my main hobby for 13 years. Blogging has brought me a lot of joy. I look forward to many more years here at RCR. 



  1. Congratulations! I'm a couple of years behind you. Cheers

  2. Thank you Carole! I hope you enjoy all your blogging years as much as I have!

  3. We all benefit so much from your "hobby". Thank you!

    1. Thank you Roberta! You are sweet to say something. I appreciate it!

  4. I’m enjoying the Erc2021 challenge. But I have to ask and it’s probably a cliche question: why are there 121 books on a list of the Top 100?

  5. 13 years of blogging is impressive, Gilion, as is your love of reading. Congratulations. I am glad to hear that there is someone else with as many, and maybe more, books on their TBR shelves as I have. I am already over 70 so it probably means I will never read them all, but I will keep trying.

  6. Congrats on those years in blogging. It's been an interesting road. I am not sure if I've done one of these posts before.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Happy belated blogiversary! Love your blog! Glad you included 13 things about you are your blog. Just as I suspected I've be mispronouncing your name all these years.
    Keep up the good work!
