Friday, May 1, 2020

Book Beginnings: The Tiger's Wife by Téa Obreht

It's a new month and a new start for Book Beginnings. I've also remodeled Rose City Reader, as you can see!  

The blog needed freshening up, after 12 years. So the green is gone, along with the pink trim. I wanted a nice modern, fresh look. So I painted the walls white. What do you think?

Book Beginnings is also looking different today. The "official rules" section is gone. The idea of this weekly event is easy. Post the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading on whatever platform you like and link it below or leave a comment. Read the details here

My Book Beginning posts haven't been showing up in my google analytics and I can only think it's because the content looks too similar week to week. So no more posting the same instructions section every week. 

With explanations over, here is . . .


The forty days of the soul begin on the morning after death.

-- The Tiger's Wife by Téa Obreht. I didn't read this when it came out about ten years ago, even though it was hugely popular. Now I love it. I'm reading it with my ears because I'm finding audiobooks easier to concentrate on these days. How about you?

One reason I didn't read this earlier is because I get The Tiger's Wife confused with Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua. That memoir about "raising children the Chinese way" sounds interesting but not something that resonates with this childless 50-something. The Tiger's Wife is a novel about a young doctor, Natalie, in an unnamed Balkan country recovering from a civil war. She is recovering from the death of her grandfather and and unraveling the mystery of his death.



Freda's Voice hosts The Friday 56, is a natural tie in with Book Beginnings. Find details and the Linky for your Friday 56 post on Freda’s Voice.


"The story of this war – dates, names, who started it, why – that belongs to everyone. Not just the people involved in it, but the people who write newspapers, politicians thousands of miles away, people who've never even been here or heard of it before."