Monday, July 29, 2019

Mailbox Monday: July Books

For the last Mailbox Monday in July, I have a last stack of red, white, and blue books, thanks to a trip to Booktique, one of my favorite Friends of the Library stores.

Fellowship of Fear by Aaron Elkins. This is the first in Elkin's series features forensic anthropologist-detective Gideon Oliver. He won the 1988 Edgar Award for Old Bones, the fourth book in the series.

The Men and the Girls by Joanna Trollope. This early Trollope novel is hard to find -- I'm glad I did!

Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward. Ward won her second National Book Award for this one. I'm trying to read all the National winners and usually read them with my ears, but the waitlist for the audiobook from my library is really long, so now I have this as a backup.

Transcription by Kate Atkinson. I'll read anything Atkinson writes. But I am really looking forward to the new Jackson Brodie book coming out later this year.

A Ladder to the Sky by John Boyne. I've never read a book by Boyne, but this sounded reayy good, so I got it on a whim.

What looks good to you? What books came into your house last week?

Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday, a weekly "show & tell" blog event where participants share the books they acquired the week before. Visit the Mailbox Monday website to find links to all the participants' posts and read more about Books that Caught our Eye.

Mailbox Monday is graciously hosted by Leslie of Under My Apple Tree, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit, and Martha of Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf.