Sunday, December 2, 2018

2018 Challenge Update: European Reading Challenge

This is just a little refresher on the 2018 European Reading Challenge, in preparation for posting the 2019 challenge page.

As a reminder, the idea is to read books by European authors or books set in European countries. You complete the challenge by reading your chosen number of books (1 - 5), and each book must be by a different author and set in a different country – it's supposed to be a tour. Reviews are not necessary, but the person who reads and reviews books from the most countries wins a prize. Go to the main challenge page for more details. 

If you met the qualifications of the challenge in 2018, it is not too late to sign up now, at the main page

If you have completed the 2018 challenge, please got to the official wrap up page for the 2018 Challenge and add a link to your wrap up post. Wrap up posts are especially important if you are in the running for the prize, because I can't guarantee I will accurately catch all your reviews or keep track of the different countries for you.

To post a review for a 2018 book, please go to the review page.

Thank you to all the 102 participants! The 2019 challenge will be posted ASAP and  I look forward to seeing you on the tour again!