Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Author Interview: Kai Nicole

After her years of dating experience, discussions with girlfriends (and men), and what she read on social media, Kai Nicole realized that she approached dating differently from other women. Her upbringing and personal approach to life gave her the mental freedom she thinks many women do not feel when it comes to dating. So she wrote Date Like a Woman, "key strategies to simply enjoy the art of dating."

Kai Nicole recently talked with Rose City Reader about her book:

How did you come to write Date Like a Woman?

After seeing so many discussions on social media about how women were having problems with their dating lives I decided to sit down and try to address as many of the problems as I could.

You have a law degree and worked in law, entertainment, and high tech. How did your professional background lead you to write a book about dating?

It didn’t. It is totally separate. I think that there is a very real need for women to look at the reasons why they may be having so many problems in dating. The book was a separate undertaking altogether although my experiences helped me in writing the book.

What makes your book different than the many other How To guides to dating?

My book, Date Like A Woman, has a fresh, non-sexist perspective on dating. It is written from a woman’s point of view, not some male guru’s. It teaches women to enjoy dating and is not goal oriented to “landing a husband.”

Who is the intended audience for your book?

Women! Of course, men will read it because they are nosey and want to know what women are thinking.

You have an excellent blog and website, and are also active on Twitter and Instagram. As an author, how important are social media for connecting with your readers?

Social media is key, especially as a first time author. I am proud to say that women who have read my book, love it!

Did you think of turning your dating expertise into fiction and writing novels?

I am currently writing a movie script based on the book.

What did you learn from writing your book or writing your blog about dating advice that most surprised you?

There are a lot of people struggling with dating and relationships, more than I thought. And, a lot of people are lonely, way more than I knew.

What is the most valuable advice you’ve been given as an author?

“Keep going, never give up. People love good books.”

Who are your three (or four or five) favorite authors? Is your own writing influenced by who you read?

I can’t say that my writing is influenced by them, but since I am/was a huge science fiction fan, I of course, love J.K. Rowling. Two more of my big favorites are Isaac Asimov and Barack Obama.

What are you reading now?

Right now I am reading for different reasons, The Last Black Unicorn, by Tiffany Haddish, and The Zebra Murders, Prentice Earl Sanders and Bennett Cohen.

What are you working on now?

I am very excited to be writing a movie script for Date Like A Woman.