Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Teaser Tuesday: Lost Kin by Steve Anderson

As Harry left his mansion Irina ran up to him shouting, arms flailing, her hair in her eyes wet with tears.

Harry's first thought -- my brother is dead.

-- Lost Kin by Steve Anderson. Max and Harry Kaspar reunite in 1946 occupied Munich in Anderson's third Karpar Brothers novel. American Harry wants to find his German brother Max still alive. Max wants Harry to help rescue a clan of Cossack refugees being hunted by Soviet death squads.

This exciting third book follows, The Losing Role, and Liberated. Lost Kin got a great advanced review on Kirkus Reviews, that called it "classic noir" and "a haunting tale" and said, "Anderson deserves a standing ovation for his gritty sketch of postwar, rubble-laden Munich."

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by MizB at Books and a Beat, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.