Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Teaser Tuesday: Cockroaches

The air wrapped itself around her like a hot, wet towel as she left the taxi. She searched for a gap, holding her hand in from of her mouth, aware it made no difference, that there was no other air to breathe in Bangkok, but at least she was spared the smell.

-- Cockroaches: The Second Inspector Harry Hole Novel by Jo Nesbo. "When the Norwegian ambassador to Thailand is found dead in a Bangkok brothel, Inspector Harry Hole is dispatched from Oslo to help hush up the case."

I admit that, despite my love of Nordic Noir, I was late to jump on the Nesbo bandwagon, simply because I did not want to be seen carrying around any book that said "A Harry Hole Mystery" on the cover!

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Jenn at A Daily Rhythm, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.