Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Teaser Tuesday: Dear Committee Members

This letter recommends Melanie deRueda for admission to the law school on the well-heeled side of this campus. I’ve known Ms. deRueda for eleven minutes, ten of which were spent in a fruitless attempt to explain to her that I write letters of recommendation only for students who have signed up for and completed one of my classes.

-- Dear Committee Members by Julie Schumacher.

That was just one of the many lines that made me laugh in this hilarious campus novels told entirely through a series of letters of recommendation written by Jason Fitger, a professor of creative writing and literature at a small, undistinguished liberal arts college in the Midwest.

This has been on my Campus Novels list since it came out a year ago, and I am so pleased to be tearing through it.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Jenn at A Daily Rhythm, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.