Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Teaser Tuesday Two-fer: Secrets in Big Sky Country and Singing with the Sirens

I understood it now while Daddy called me his princess and why my older brother had felt so much rage and hurt.  I had been naïve to think I was special.
-- Secrets in Big Sky Country: A Memoir by Mandy Smith

Mandy Smith's bold memoir uses her own story of childhood abuse, betrayal, and abandonment to show that hope and, eventually, healing, can come to survivors. Mandy hopes that adults who were molested as children can read her book and know they are not alone.

Secrets in Big Sky Country is out this week. It is available on amazon or ask your local bookstore to order it!

There were many weeks like this, though -- weeks when we pushed past the fear and just spoke. Sometimes we read poetry, sometimes we wrote our own.
-- Singing with the Sirens: Overcoming the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Sexual Exploitation by Ellyn Roberts Bell and Stacey Ault Bell, published by She Writes Press.

Both Ellyn and Stacey are also survivors of childhood abuse. They were inspired to write Singing with Sirens after working with girls in the juvenile justice system. The book uses the stories of the young women, combined with those of the authors and other adult women, myth, and metaphor to address the journey from childhood exploitation and abuse to healing.

Read more about the authors of Singing with the Sirens and their book, here.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Jenn at A Daily Rhythm, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.