Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Author Interview: Suzanne Jauchius

Suzanne Jauchius now has a successful career as a professional psychic, radio personality, and public speaker. But her life was a real mess for a long time, with five husbands before she was 40 and a family that demanded she deny her gifts and her nature. You Know Your Way Home is the story of her decision to live up to her potential.

Suzanne recently took time from her busy life to answer questions for Rose City Reader.

How did you come to write You Know Your Way Home?

It began as a journal for my grandchildren. Both of my great-grandmothers had some "abilities" that the family would never talk about. It wasn't until I began my professional practice that the stories came to me, passed down from cousins and other relatives. How I wished I'd known them or had their personal journals. So I decided it might be a gift I could leave my children.

Your memoir is intensely personal – did you have any qualms about sharing so much?

Not really. Having done so much personal work with my therapist years before helped me simply tell the story. As I wrote it, it actually began to lead me. I have had so many readers thank me for the courage to be so open and vulnerable in the telling of it.

Telling our stories is how we heal each other. Too often we feel isolated in our experiences, and memoir shares the experience of being fragile, scared, vulnerable, courageous and human. A common comment I hear from readers is that I have told their story too.

Your book is as much about finding your own voice and identity as it is about being a psychic. Please tell us more about that part of your story.

It is absolutely about finding my own voice, and I happen to be a psychic. Early in my life I was told to not see; that it wasn't "normal." So I began taking my cues from the outside world in an attempt to be acceptable. I zigged and zagged for the first 40 years until one day I just couldn't bear being the fake me any longer. I broke. Fortunately, with the guidance of an amazing therapist, my voice began to be heard.

Who is your audience?

This was possibly one of the most surprising aspects of my readers. Of course many are baby-boomers like myself who really relate to those times, but the men who've read it, who tell me that they never read but couldn't put it down! Those are the surprise.

What were you least prepared for when you went public about your psychic abilities?

The acceptance I received from people of all walks of life. Of course, there are still those who take a couple steps back when I tell them what I do. For the most part however is the acceptance. I would venture to say it is most likely because I have accepted myself.

Can you recommend any other books about psychic abilities or similar gifts? Are any of them personal account like yours?

My favorite is Natural ESP by Ingo Swann. It may be out of print by now, but it's the one I personally relate to in terms of "seeing." I also love all the Edgar Cayce work. His biography, There Is A River by Thomas Surgue, was very inspirational to me years ago.

As a psychic, you must encounter skepticism both from secularists who resist the supernatural and traditional religious believers. How do you respond to both?

My response is usually one of acceptance. I stopped defending myself years ago. As a wise woman once said, "What you think of me is none of my business."

What did you learn from writing your book – either about the subject of the book or the writing process – that most surprised you?

My biggest surprise in writing my memoir was how it began to write itself. After a month or so of writing, it took on it's own rhythm and flow. I was also amazed at how going back into the memories was actually like I was really there. I could see very specific details.

You have a terrific website and facebook page. How important are social networking sites and other internet resources to promote your book? How about your work as a psychic?

Well, as they say, social media is where it's all at right now. I resisted it for some time but recognize it's value today. People expect to be able to find you somewhere on the internet. What's very exciting about that is the amount of people from around the world who have read my memoir and are able to communicate with me on the web.

Do you have any events coming up to promote your book?

Other than my monthly appearance on the radio at 105.1 fm, I do have a conference I am part of on October 3rd in Lake Oswego. It's called Activating Happy, and features several speakers including therapists and neuroscientists, on the subject of happiness. I am honored to be part of this exciting event.

[NOTE: Typically, Suzanne can be heard on 105.1 fm, The Buzz, on the first Monday of the month from 4:30 – 5:30 pm. Upcoming Buzz: Monday, October 7th, at 4:30 – 5:30 pm and Monday, November 5th, at 4:30 – 5:30 pm.]

What is the most valuable advice you’ve been given?

Trust yourself.

What’s next? What are you working on now?

I am working on a sequel to You Know Your Way Home. It seems to be including my interactions with the "other side," something that has been happening for me since the death of my father in 2000. But it's too early in the writing process to know for sure!