Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Teaser Tuesday: I was Told There'd be Cake

8. Names I am most often called by telemarketers: Simone, Slain, Siobhon, Flo, Stacey, Susan, Slater, Leanne, and Slow. (Yes, my parents named me "Slow.")

-- I Was Told There'd be Cake by Sloane Crosley, from an essay called "Bastard out of Westchester."

Crosley's essays about growing up in the suburbs of New York and her post-college single days in the city are charming enough on a chilly weekend.  Nothing is gut-busting funny; but nothing is in off-putting bad taste either.

My favorite essay is the one quoted above in which she muses on her name.  Having an unusual name myself -- Gilion Dumas -- I could relate to every one of the funny experiences on her list.  Telemarketers typically call me Jillian (I pronounce mine with a hard G), Julianne, Geeyon, or Garion. And, of course, we all know how they say my last name.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.