Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Five Faves: Favorite Reads of 2014

Looking over the list of books I read last year, a main theme seems to be secondary works by favorite authors.  It was not a year for lights-out great reading for me.  I enjoyed spending time with some old friends, but nothing really knocked my socks off and I didn't fall in love with any new authors.

But there were several books that stuck with me.  These five were my solid favorites (in the order I read them):


There are times when a full-sized book list is just too much; when the Top 100, a Big Read, or all the Prize winners seem like too daunting an effort. That's when a short little list of books grouped by theme may be just the ticket.

Inspired by Nancy Pearl's "Companion Reads" chapter in Book Lust – themed clusters of books on subjects as diverse as Bigfoot and Vietnam – I decided to start occasionally posting lists of five books grouped by topic or theme. I call these posts my Five Faves.

Feel free to grab the button and play along. Use today's theme or come up with your own. If you post about it, please link back to here and leave the link to your post in a comment. If you want to participate but don't have a blog or don't feel like posting, please share your list in a comment.