Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Teaser Tuesday: A Hunger for High Country

Like people, bears were unpredictable.  I couldn't tell the shy ones from the killers, so my reaction was to assume the worst about the, all.
-- A Hunger for High Country: One Woman’s Journey to the Wild in Yellowstone Country by Susan Marsh, published by the Oregon State University Press.

Marsh was one of the first women to work in the field for the US Forest Service. Her memoir is filled with evocative descriptions of the National Forests surrounding Yellowstone National Park where she worked, as well as adventures with bears, gun-toting mountain men, and sexist bureaucrats.

A Hunger for High Country offers a first-hand account of what it was like to live and work in a National Forest -- an area most of us see while driving to our vacation, but have never really thought about.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.