Thursday, November 27, 2014

Book Beginning: Living with Thunder


Please join me every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author's name.

EARLY BIRDS & SLOWPOKES: This weekly post goes up Thursday evening for those who like to get their posts up and linked early on. But feel free to add a link all week.

FACEBOOK: Rose City Reader has a Facebook page where I post about new and favorite books, book events, and other bookish tidbits, as well as link to blog posts. I'd love a "Like" on the page! You can go to the page here to Like it. I am happy to Like you back if you have a blog or professional Facebook page, so please leave a comment with a link and I will find you.

TWITTER, ETC: If you are on Twitter, Google+, or other social media, please post using the hash tag #BookBeginnings. I try to follow all Book  Beginnings participants on whatever interweb sites you are on, so please let me know if I have missed any and I will catch up.



The Pacific Northwest's landscape celebrate's volcanoes.  Visit any Northwest icon -- Mount Rainier, Haystack Rock, Multnomah Falls, Hells Canyon, or even the Owyhees' Leslie Gulch -- and geologists will likely identify a volcano as its progenitor. 

-- Living with Thunder: Exploring the Geologic Past, Present, and Future of Pacific Northwest Landscapes by Ellen Morris Bishop.

This oversized paperback is filled with glossy color photos and informative charts that make the geology of the Pacific Northwest immediately understandable.

Judging from the enthusiasm my husband has shown for the book ever since it arrived, I'd say it has great gift potential for several of the hikers, rock hounds, and generally curious on my holiday shopping list.