Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Teaser Tuesday Two-fer: Dead Float & Scene of the Climb

I heard a distant voice, then felt two strong hands pull me out of the water and up a steep bank. I remember wondering where the knife was going to go – into my chest or across my throat?

-- Dead Float by Warren C. Easley.

This is the second in an exciting new series from Poisoned Pen Press, featuring lawyer and amateur sleuth Cal Claxton. Claxton moved to Oregon from LA to set up a small practice in wine country. Here, a guided fishing trip down the Deschutes River Canyon leads to murder and Cal is up to his waders in it.

He held a finger to his lips to silence me and pushed me to my knees with his other hand. Carefully he drew his binoculars out and scanned the area where the bushes had been disturbed.

-- Scene of the Climb by Kate Dyer-Seeley, who has several upcoming book events scheduled around Oregon and in California.

This new series features freelance outdoor writer Meg Reed, who exaggerated her enthusiasm for outdoor adventures to get a job with Northwest Extreme magazine. When Meg sees a body falling past her as she climbs to the top of a 2000-foot peak, she knows she has more than blisters and sunburn to worry about.

Scene of the Climb even includes a short appendix at the back with travel and hiking ideas for a trip to the Columbia River Gorge.

The two together would make for a great summer weekend!

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.