Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Teaser Tuesday: My-Te-Fine Merchant

He was in the process of figuring out how to leave his tens of millions in trust for the public benefit, but he'd never been keen about giving away money while he was alive. . . .  His idea of helping people was providing jobs, not handouts.
-- My-Te-Fine Merchant: Fred Meyer's Retail Revolution by Fred Leeson. Fred Meyer pioneered the idea of selling groceries, drugs, clothing, home goods, toys, sporting goods, electronics, fine jewelry, and more under one roof.  He founded a chain of "superstores" that still bears his name.  Eventually, he figured out what to do with his money, creating and funding the Meyer Memorial Trust.

Fred Leeson is an author and former newspaper journalist.  His biography of Fred Meyer is a readable and entertaining slice of regional history, providing the story behind this household name.

My-Te-Fine Merchant is available on line, or order from your favorite local bookseller.  A Kindle edition is also available.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.