Thursday, April 10, 2014

Book Beginning: The Founder's Find by Scott Frey


Please join me every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author's name.

EARLY BIRDS & SLOWPOKES: This weekly post goes up Thursday evening for those who like to get their posts up and linked early on. But feel free to add a link all week.

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TWITTER, ETC: If you are on Twitter, Google+, or other social media, please post using the hash tag #BookBeginnings. I try to follow all Book  Beginnings participants on whatever interweb sites you are on, so please let me know if I have missed any and I will catch up.



Aids, secretaries and all manner of staff did their best to get out of the way of the hulking man striding through the corridor.
-- The Founder's Find by Scott Frey.  That's a pretty good scene-setter for a first sentence.  We know it is some kind of institution, but whether it is a school, government agency, or what is still up in the air.

The Founder's Find is the first book in a new YA "philosophical fantasy" series called Watchers of Worlds. See the trailer and read more about this absorbing new series on the author's website, here.  The Kindle edition is on super sale right now for only $.99!


This is the story of Kade Mackenzie, a thirteen-year-old boy born into the foster system of Los Angeles and plagued most of his life by seizures and inadequate guardianship. Despite his circumstances Kade has not given up hope that something better lies ahead for him. One day, desperate to leave the confining walls of his foster parent’s apartment, Kade puts his faith in a man promising him a new beginning far, far away. Soon Kade finds himself immersed in a world he could have scarcely imagined to be possible. It is a world of many fascinating beauties, enlivening ideas and deep, dusky mysteries. Not everyone is as they first appear. It is in this new world that Kade Mackenzie will be forced to find who he truly is.