Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Teaser Tuesday: The Gods of Second Chances by Dan Berne

I reach into my pants pocket and pull out the note from Sitka's mom. Jenny. My drugged out, ex-con, now-I'm-ready-to-come-home-and-be-forgiven-once-again daughter

-- The Gods of Second Chances by Dan Berne, the first novel published by Forest Avenue Press.

That sets up the story in a nutshell. 

The Gods of Second Chances is available now.  This is a book worth asking for from your local bookstore or library.


Family means everything to Alaskan fisherman Ray Bancroft, raising his granddaughter while battling storms, invasive species, and lawsuit-happy tourists. To navigate, and to catch enough crab to feed her college fund, Ray seeks help from a multitude of gods and goddesses—not to mention ad-libbed rituals performed at sea by his half-Tlingit best friend.

But kitchen counter statues and otter bone ceremonies aren’t enough when his estranged daughter returns from prison, swearing she’s clean and sober. Her search for a safe harbor threatens everything Ray holds sacred. Set against a backdrop of ice and mud and loss, Dan Berne’s gripping debut novel explores the unpredictable fissures of memory, and how families can break apart even in the midst of healing.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.