Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Teaser Tuesday: Heist and High by Anthony Curcio

The shakes, panic and paranoia never let him think he had a long leash.  At this point, Anthony was taking anywhere from thirty to fifty hydrocodone or Oxycodone pills a day. 

-- Heist and High by Anthony Curcio and Dane Batty. Curcio went from golden boy to prescription drug addict, robbing an armored truck of over $400,000, and ending up in federal prison. This is his own story of crime and redemption.

Co-author and publisher, Dane Batty, is a technical writer and biographer who also wrote Wanted: Gentleman Bank Robber: The True Story of Leslie Ibsen Rogge, One of the FBI's Most Elusive Criminals.  He runs Nish Publishing Company.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.