Sunday, December 15, 2013

Mailbox Monday: Oregon River Books

Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday!  I am so pleased to host in December.  It's a crazy-busy time of year, but I love the festivities!

MM was created by Marcia, who graciously hosted it for a long, long time, before turning it into a touring event (details here).  Marcia is looking for someone to take over tour organizing duties.  Many people have volunteered, but I don't know that there is a final plan for 2014.


Do you hope to get any books as gifts this year? Which ones? Please share!

MY GIFT BOOKS: I hope Santa brings me a copy of Harry Dolan's new mystery, The Last Dead Girl. I would also like the first two volumes of a trilogy by Beverley Nichols. I somehow ended up with the third volume, Sunlight on the Lawn, but would like Merry Hall and Laughter on the Stairs. Since I don't think Santa reads my blog, I've sent him an email with the details.

MY BOOKS: I got couple of new books from OSU Press this week:

Meander Scars: Reflections on Healing the Willamette River by Abby Phillips Metzger. The lush cover is gorgeous and I am looking forward to reading this book of essays inspired by Metzger's lifetime of up-close exploration of Oregon's main river.

Bridging a Great Divide: The Battle for the Columbia River Gorge by Kathie Durbin. There have been battles over every man-made change in the Columbia Gorge -- dams, freeways, bridges, hotels, casinos, houses, and now the view-spoiling, bird-killing wind turbines.

Durbin spent years as a journalist writing about these challenges and changes, giving detail and depth to her readable history of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.


What books came into your house last week?  Leave your link below or in a comment.  If you don't have a blog but want to play along, leave a comment listing your new books.