Monday, September 2, 2013

Teaser Tuesday and GIVEAWAY Winner


Freda at Freda's Voice is the lucky winner of Vacationland by Sarah Stonich, her new collection of connected short stories, all set at Naledi Lodge, a former lake resort in northern Minnesota.

Stonich is the author of two earlier books, both great reads, These Granite Islands and The Ice Chorus, which I reviewed hereVacationland looks equally compelling.


If anything, she was even more vehement then he against the old people (people over thirty) who had made such a mess of affairs. Of course, they dressed their ideas up in language more politically resonant than this, and they had plenty of books – or Ismay had – that supported their emotions, which they called their principles.

-- What's Bred in the Bone by Robertson Davies.  This is a great yarn kind of book -- my favorite kind.

This is the second book in his "Cornish Trilogy," following The Rebel Angels. The trilogy concludes with The Lyre of Orpheus. The three books are separate stories but all related to the life and influence of Francis Cornish, an eccentric Canadian art collector. Or art forger? I am just getting to the good part!

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event. 

Mailbox Labor Day

Thanks for joining me for Mailbox Monday this holiday weekend! MM was created by Marcia, who graciously hosted it for a long, long time, before turning it into a touring event (details here).

Yolanda at Notorious Spinks Talks is hosting in September.  One of my favorite things about participating in blog events is finding new-to-me blogs, like Yolanda's. Please pay her a visit!

I got two books last week, both sort-of-cosy mysteries with Oregon connections.

The Edwin Drood Murders by Christopher Lord, to be released later this month.  This is the second in Lord's series of mysteries set in the fiction Oregon town of Dickens Junction, featuring book store owner and amateur sleuth Simon Alastair.   The Christmas Carol Murders kicked off what hopefully will be a long and enjoyable series. 

Jump the Gun by Zoe Burke.  This is the first of a series featuring Annabelle Starkey, movie buff and publicity manager for a self-help book publisher.  Kirkus Reviews describes Jump the Gun as "mystery meets romance meets noir meets caper."  Sounds great!

I got my copy when I went to Burke's recent book event at Powell's.  Burke has written two children's books and Jump the Gun, in the making for 15 years, is her first adult book.  She owns Pomegranate Communications, publisher of art books, calendars, and the like, which she recently moved from San Francisco to Portland.