Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kitchen Remodel, Week Thirteen: A Place to Sit

Another week has gone by with no visible progress on the kitchen.  Apparently the hold up is the tile.  Even though it is plain white subway tile, because we ordered a slightly less-ordinary dimension (2x6 instead of 3x6), it has to be custom made. But because we need very little of it, our order has been sitting there waiting to tag onto a larger order when it comes in.

So we wait.  In the meantime, the two kitchen stools we ordered for the island came in.  So we can sit in the kitchen and imagine it being finished and usable.

We saw these stools made out of old wine barrels at Syncline Winery in Lyle, WA (about an hour northeast of Portland).  I like them because they are unusual and made here in America.

By happenstance, because I had no idea what it was about until I read it, I read a book this week about cooking and the comfort of good food.  Rose Tremain won the Orange Prize for The Road Home, the story of an Eastern European immigrant to England who teaches himself to be a chef while working as the plongeur at a toney London restaurant.