Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kitchen Remodel, Week Nine: The Highs and the Lows

All the cupboards are in, upper and lower, and work has begun on the trim and mouldings.  It is finally starting to look like a kitchen again.  Better yet, the trim work makes it look like a kitchen that goes with the rest of the house.

Our beloved builder is keen on old house details.  He made the wall baseboards match those in other parts of the house.  And the crown moulding and cupboard trim is a scaled down replica of the crown moulding in the dining and living rooms. 

When we get counter tops this week, we will finally be at the beginning of the end. 


This is the island. I love how the base trim wraps all the way around the foot, back into the toe space on the front.

This is the trim work on the tops of the cabinets.  This is a cupboard in the pantry. In the kitchen, the cupboard trim will tie into the crown moulding.  I can't wait to see it all done.

Despite Portland's first week of beautiful spring weather, I managed to finish my review of Alice Waters and Chez Panisse: The Romantic, Impractical, Often Eccentric, Ultimately Brilliant Making of a Food Revolution by Thomas McNamee.  The review is here.

Big thanks to everyone who has left comments and good wishes on these kitchen remodel posts. It has been particularly interesting to hear about other people's remodeling projects. Thanks!