Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Teaser Tuesday: On the Level by David Edgar Cournoyer


House lust tended to make me blind to the faults of old buildings and Steve usually provided a much-needed reality check. My goal in this visit was to pump Steve for information about Joe's death, but I found myself focusing more and more on the old house.

-- On the Level: A Mystery of Suspense, Romance, and Home Improvement by David Edgar Cournoyer. I like the expression "house lust"! This passage is a hinge in the story between the mystery and the home improvement themes.

David Cournoyer sent me his new novel at the suggestion of mystery author Carolyn J. Rose because I am in the middle of remodeling the kitchen in our 100-year-old house.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.