Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Teaser Tuesday: Sea of Regret

Police Chief Sam Lowell scratched the gray whiskers on the blade of his jaw. The whisk of sound, like insects in dry grass, made Kate glance at her bare toes to make sure nothing was crawling toward them.

-- Sea of Regret by Carolyn J. Rose.  I love how this short passage evokes so many sensory images and reactions. Great stuff.

Sea of Regret is the sequel to An Uncertain Refuge, also set on the Oregon coast and featuring Kate Dalton.

Rose also sent me Through a Yellow Wood, set in the Catskill Mountains and the sequel to Hemlock Lake, a series starring Dan Stone.

Rose has written several mysteries set on the Oregon coast or in the Catskill Mountains where she grew up. She and her husband, Mike Nettleton, are both authors and have written a couple of books together.  They also blog together at Deadly Duo Duh.

If anyone is in Washington State this weekend, Rose is leading a workshop on the elements of mystery at the Wordcatcher conference in Kalama, Washington on Saturday, April 20. Click the link for details or to sign up for the conference. 

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.