Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Teaser Tuesday: Through a Yellow Wood


I noticed she made no mention of where Luke, the handyman she hired in early March, slept.… If Priscilla found comfort with the bowlegged, balding, taciturn man stranded in Hemlock Lake when his rusted pickup gave up the ghost in a cloud of radiator steam and scorching oil, then more power to her.

-- Through a Yellow Wood by Carolyn J. Rose. What a description!

This mystery is the sequel to Hemlock Lake, both set in the Catskill Mountains and both featuring Dan Stone. I want to read the first one too, although this one does just fine as a stand-alone.

Rose is half of a prolific Pacific Northwest writing duo, along with her husband, Mike Nettleton.  She has written several mysteries, many set on the Oregon coast, some in the Catskill Mountains where Carolyn grew up.  She and Nettleson also blog together at Deadly Duo Duh.

Rose is leading a workshop on the elements of mystery at the Wordcatcher conference in Kalama, Washington on Saturday, April 20. Click the link for details or to sign up for the conference.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.