Saturday, March 9, 2013

Kitchen Remodel, Week Two: Crock Pot Pork Roast

Let there be light!

The new windows are in the kitchen. We can already tell it will be a lot brighter than the old, dark kitchen with its two small windows.  The sink goes under these windows, above, which are all casement-style and will swing out to open.  

The windows below will have a bookcase running under them, with two sections for books and one to house the old cast-iron radiator that we will still use.

Our culinary adventure for the week was not terribly exciting. We bunged a pork shoulder into the crock pot in the morning and shredded it that night.  The novelty of our makeshift kitchen in the dining room has already worn off. 

Thanks to a glorious early spring weekend here in Portland, we can expand our options some by firing up the grill.  It doesn't make up for the inconvenience of washing our dishes in the bathtub, but it is better than another Big Salad for dinner.

I know I am getting culinary ants in my pants because the only books I want to read qualify for the 2013 Foodies Read Challenge (hosted by Vicki at I'd Rather be at the Beach).  First up is Alice Waters and Chez Panisse by Thomas McNamee.