Saturday, January 26, 2013

2012 Challenge: Chunkster Challenge Wrap Up

Wendy at Caribousmom and Vasilly at 1330V teamed up to host the 2012 Chunkster Reading Challenge.


2012 was the third year I participated in this challenge.  In 2010, I bit off more than I could chew, signing up for six books and only finishing four.  So I scaled back in 2011 to the "Chubby Chunkster" four-book level. 

Despite my less than stellar performance in years past, I signed up for the Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big? option to read SIX chunksters from the following categories: two books 450 - 550 pages; two books 551 - 750 pages; and two books longer than 750 pages.

I am so pleased that I actually completed this challenge! It really got me inspired to read a couple of doorstops that have been sitting on my TBR shelves for too long. I even finished an extra book.

My books:

World Without End by Ken Follett (1,024 pages); reviewed here

The Gate House by Nelson DeMille (800 pages), reviewed here;

Witness by Whittaker Chambers (802 pages), reviewed here;

Personal History by Katharine Graham (642 pages), reviewed here;

The Book and the Brotherhood by Iris Murdoch (624 pages), reviewed here;

Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey (511 pages), reviewed here

Glittering Images by Susan Howatch (462 pages), reviewed here.

I am going to sign up for the 2013 Chunkster Challenge, but probably back at the 4-book level.