Saturday, November 24, 2012

Looking Ahead: 2013 Challenges

It's that time of year when book bloggers start to think about next year's challenges. As if we all didn't have a million other things to think about during the holidays!

As much as I love book challenges and am tempted to join all of them that catch my fancy, I admit I took on too many in 2012. I am going to scale back in 2013, both for hosting and participating. I also have an idea for a personal challenge that I am keen on trying.


I am definitely going to host the European Reading Challenge again in 2013. The 2012 challenge runs through January 31, 2013. The 2013 challenge will start January 1, 2013. Check back here for the 2013 challenge page, coming soon, to sign up.

I'm going to take a break on the Battle of the Prizes Challenges, both the American and British versions. I've hosted both for a couple of years now, and I think they need a rest. They may revive in future years, but we'll go fallow for 2013.


There are a handful of challenges that dovetail so nicely with my own reading habits, and that I get such a kick out of, that I can't pass them up. So, assuming the hosts are game for another year, I am going to sign up for the 2013 versions of the Chunkster Challenge, the Mt. TBR and Off the Shelf Challenges, the Foodie Reading Challenge, and the Vintage Mystery Challenge.


According to my LibraryThing tags, there are 1,421 books on my TBR shelves. Even though I read good number of books every year, I never seem to make visual progress through my TBR books.

So I have latched onto the idea that I want to read all the books on at least one shelf. I want to see a gap grow on the shelf as I finish book after book. I have a wall of TBR books and I am going to pick one shelf from it at random on December 1 and then plan on reading all the books from that shelf in 2013.

The one limitation is that I am only going to read one book by each author on that shelf. So if I hit a series or patch of books by the same author, I am going to skip all but one of them.

There is no theme to this challenge other than an idiosyncratic, spacial one. But it will tie in with the Mt. TBR and Off the Shelf Challenges.