Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Teaser Tuesday: The Wisdom of John Muir

Muir looked forward to the trip and wasn't disappointed.  "I made up a package of bread, tied my notebook to my belt, and strode away in the bracing air, every nerve and muscle tingling with eager indefinite hope, and ready to give welcome to all that wilderness might offer."

-- The Wisdom of John Muir: 100 Selections from the Letters, Journals, and Essays of the Great Naturalist by Anne Rowthorn.

This is a good example both of Muir's own writing -- I love "eager indefinite hope" -- and the way Rowthorn uses it.  She uses Muir's own writing, in long passages and little snippets, interspersed with her own cogent explanations for context, to write a chronological biography of America's greatest naturalist. 

The Wisdom of John Muir is a good introduction to Muir's life and thinking.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.