Sunday, April 1, 2012

Opening Sentence: The Hapless Valet

As soon as he stepped from the ladder, the trap door slammed shut above him.
-- The Hapless Valet by Lenhardt Stevens.   Read my interview of Len here.

I got this one because it is by a Portland author, it sounds good, the cover is terrific, and it only cost $.99!

Reading book on the Kindle app on my iPhone is not optimal, but it is handy.  I was killing time yesterday while Naomi's rewired a lamp for me, and buzzed through the first exciting three chapters. Now I am hooked. 

From the Kirkus Indie review:

In Stevens’ debut novel, a celebrity with a history of eco-terrorism, a 1950s film noir star’s mysterious past and a jazz club owner looking to make fast money collide in rainy Portland with professional valet Draper Burns (that’s the jack-of-all-trades servant kind, not the kind that parks cars).